education + awareness ideas
school programs
We provide adapted education tools at the school, community, and local stakeholder levels. We use music, art, drama and interactive games to teach important environmental lessons in local schools. Drama can be a very effective way to communicate our message and connect with a wide ranging demographic. Clean City works with professional actors and passionate locals to perform skits focused on raising awareness about the challenges surrounding waste management. We regularly provide practical knowledge, such as distributing cloth bags to demonstrate the importance of ditching single use plastic bags at vegetable shops. We have also partnered with Wildlife Conservation Nepal (WCN), to distribute and incorporate textbooks and learning materials in the curriculum of schools throughout Ratnanagar Municipality.

visual art for social impact
We believe art is a powerful tool for social transformation. We paint murals of the change we want to see. Collective creativity thrives on the accumulated benefits of the synergy of all contributors, consisting of passionate locals, travelers, new friends, and school children, to highlight issues and engage the community through visual storytelling.
Clean City has collaborated with the local community and travelers to bring about visual and social transformation to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic water bottles. This 35-foot high mural stands in the center of Sauraha where Clean City installed a water filtration system to discourage the use of plastic water bottles and provide a viable alternative to refill your bottles.

Sculpture - Visual art can be used as a medium to spur dialogue about the issue of waste management in the community and its effect on ecosystems. Sculptures made of refurbished waste materials can direct attention to a social message and change public perceptions of trash. Our aim is to portray trash using beautiful imagery that will evoke a deeper, emotional connection with viewers.
sustainability curriculum
Educators have the capacity to shape the attitudes of so many young people. We are engaging teachers to understand the challenges and devise fun, creative and innovative ways to help students design their own solutions. Clean City is working to develop a curriculum on topics such as sustainable development, climate change and recycling that can be implemented throughout Nepal. Our aim is to create a diverse sustainability curriculum encompassing the most impactful methods to spark change within a community. If you are interested in collaborating on developing this curriculum, please get in touch.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
organize cleanups
​Every year millions of tons of trash ends up in our oceans. Some 6,000 streams flow through Nepal, India, Bangladesh before draining into the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. Although Nepal is a landlocked country, Clean City believes in the power of every individual and relies on the support from local community members and conscious travelers to keep the environment clean. Our network of organizations and individuals works closely together to organize clean-ups in the National Park and surrounding village areas. Clean-ups catalyzed by the passion and commitment by local citizens who want to clean their community remind us of the power of grassroots initiatives, the scarcity of clean water in many places and the need for every single person to do their part to make a difference.

door-to-door awareness campaigns
Clean City targets and hires local individuals who are passionate about cleaning their community and changing the status quo. We regularly organize workshops, clean-ups and outreach activities to engage the local community. Our local staff has developed educational resources and determined the most effective methods to raise awareness about the environmental challenges surrounding improper waste disposal—from burning plastics to the effects of toxic leachate contaminating groundwater. In order to ensure the success of our project, our team galvanizes support from society leaders to visit hotels, businesses and households with us and raise awareness about our work every week.

We empower locals to build their own composts for their houses and neighborhoods. There's a great tutorial on building your own compost here.